Uncle Nick's Doggy Dipps

Have a dog grooming-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and call or text us today for more information!

  • Do you offer services for dogs with skin conditions?

    Yes, Uncle Nick's Doggy Dipps accommodates dogs with skin conditions by using organic oatmeal treatments to help soothe the skin and keep your dog comfortable.

  • How do you handle dogs with behavioral needs?

    We offer flexible accommodations and scheduling. If you are concerned about your dog interacting with other dogs, we can try to schedule an appointment time when there are no other dogs present. Our highly skilled team members can work with every disposition of dogs.

  • Do you accommodate dogs with mobility issues?

    Yes, we accommodate dog mobility concerns by using modern hydraulic tables and tubs.

  • How often do my dog's nails need to be trimmed?

    Each dog is unique so call or text us for a FREE consultation and we can create a customized grooming plan for your dog.

  • What are your vaccination policies?

    At Uncle Nick's Doggy Dipps, we value your pet's safety above everything. This is why we require proof of updated vaccinations including rabies, distemper, and canine parvovirus. Please enter your dog's vaccination information here

    Please allow 48 hours after receiving the vaccine before scheduling an appointment.

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